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Sony Vaio

Weybridge, 29th January 2008 - Sony’s VAIO is proud to announce the adoption of the new Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor for multiple product ranges in 2008.

“The specific qualities of the new processor family are a perfect match for VAIO,” says Hidetoshi Takigawa, Marketing Director for VAIO of Europe. “With High Definition already shaping the future in so many ways, VAIO is ever-more focussed on HD performance. Better still, the clear advantage offered by the new Intel silicon is leveraged by Blu-ray Disc™. Put together, this means we can offer customers the most complete, most sophisticated High Definition solutions available. Whatever people want, from pure entertainment right through to editing personal HD content, VAIO is the logical choice.”

VAIO AR60-Series

Designed to offer the last word in all-round HD entertainment, the VAIO AR60-Series has gone from strength to strength. The first ever notebook to boast an integrated Blu-ray Disc™ drive now has an Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 processor at its heart (model VGN-AR61ZU). The new CPU means superlative graphics and High Definition performance coupled with Deep Power Down technology that gives you more time on the go between charges. A full 4GB of SDRAM ensures that the system has the headroom it needs to really shine, and the NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600M GT GPU runs at full throttle thanks to a massive 512MB of dedicated VRAM.

VAIO FZ30-Series

It may be a notebook, but the VGN-AR61ZU has all the power necessary to edit personal HD video content - before burning your clips onto a 50GB Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc™ for safekeeping. Whether you are editing in HD or enjoying an HD movie, the massive 17-inch WUXGA widescreen display gives you every last pixel of 1080p Full HD in brilliant colour with X-black LCD screen enhancement and super-bright double lamp illumination. When you want to watch TV, there’s an integrated hybrid DVB-T digital/analogue tuner and a remote control – and even an HDMI™ output for viewing HD movies on an HD-capable TV.

VAIO FZ30-Series

The FZ30-Series now combines 4GB SDRAM and an Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 processor for the performance to make media applications and HD fly. Lightweight but very strong magnesium alloy construction means it looks like a standard footprint A4 notebook, but opens up to reveal an ‘oversize’ 15.4-inch WXGA screen.

The screen combines the latest generation of X-black LCD enhancement with double lamp technology and capable of 90 per cent colour fidelity. This means photos, and video content – especially HD video – are brought vividly to life. Once again, this is a notebook with the power to edit Full HD and archive your clips to its Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc™ Drive or simply to use as an HD movie player. Again, an HDMI™ output completes the HD feature checklist and ensures that the FZ30-Series is as future-proof as you could wish.

VAIO SZ70-Series

VAIO SZ70-Series

This professional ultra-portable is the embodiment of high technology, from its carbon fibre chassis and power-saving LED screen illumination to the Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9300 processor delivering next-generation turbocharged performance from a machine that weighs just 1.79kg. There’s even a unique Stamina Mode switch which allows users to select between two graphics chipsets, choosing extended battery life of over 5 hours or huge graphics power, depending on what they need.

The SZ70-Series uses VAIO “everywair” integrated HSDPA WWLAN technology to deliver the Internet to users on the road via the mobile phone network. Broadband speeds of up to 3.6Mbps mean exchanging email, sharing documents using the Web and even videoconferencing are now possible on the move. With its widescreen X-black LCD enhanced display and highly distinctive slimline carbon fibre construction, the SZ70-Series makes a powerful statement wherever you take it.

A special edition of the SZ70 (model VGN-SZ71VN/X) is available exclusively from the online Sony Style Store. This is the only model in the Series sold with 4GB SDRAM as standard, and features large 250GB hard disk and a distinctive Premium Carbon finish. Please visit the online Store at for details of this and other Sony Style exclusives.

VAIO CR30-Series

VAIO’s colourful, personality-styled CR30-Series is now available with the new Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor, with a choice of either the T8100 or the even more powerful T8300 depending on the model.

The environmental information can be downloaded from the link below.

Although created with a strong emphasis on style and originality, the CR30-Series is a powerful AV-orientated portable complete with a seamlessly integrated 1.3 megapixel Motion Eye™ webcam ideal for video chat. For convenience and ease of use, an AV Mode feature lets you watch films on DVD or play audio CDs without needing to start Windows. A set of dedicated AV buttons provides the necessary play control, and if you are watching a movie you get to enjoy it on a widescreen WXGA display with the characteristic high contrast and vibrant colours delivered by X-black LCD technology.


The VAIO TP2 Home Entertainment Centre looks – and is – unique, with its radical round case that fits in with almost any decor and looks great from any angle. Its ability to work equally well with a TV or PC display only adds to its versatility, and once connected it opens up a new world of entertainment.

The latest version features both an Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8100 processor for even better performance, and a Blu-ray Disc™ Combo Drive for playing HD movies either on a PC display or on an HD Ready TV via the TP2’s HDMI™ connection. A hybrid DVB-T digital/analogue tuner and massive 500GB hard disk enable the TP2 to act as a sophisticated PVR with seemingly endless capacity, but it’s equally good for bringing the Web into the living room for online chat or shopping, email and keeping up with social networks.

The TP2-Series uses BRAVIA Sync technology to work together with compatible BRAVIA TVs using the HDMI connection. With BRAVIA Sync you get easy, one-touch operation using just a single remote. One-touch play and standby are available from the TV remote, as are many Media Center functions, Windows Media Player controls and browser operations. To mark the introduction of this latest version of the TP-Series, a new Black case model has been created, ensuring the perfect visual as well as technological match for your TV and AV equipment.


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